Hamilton County Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

When the brain sustains significant blunt force trauma, patients may be left grappling with sudden, debilitating injuries that require constant medical care and treatment. Traumatic brain injuries may lead to permanent physical and cognitive damage, which could forever impact the individual’s quality of life and even his or her ability to work. A Hamilton County traumatic brain injury lawyer could launch a thorough investigation into the underlying cause of the victim’s injury to identify which parties may be held legally responsible.

A skilled personal injury attorney could also collect the full range of evidence and documentation needed to support your legal claim and fight for the fair and maximum compensation to which you may be entitled.

Overview of Traumatic Brain Injuries

While the symptoms which may accompany a traumatic brain injury vary based on the type of injury sustained as well as its severity, common symptoms include:

  • Cognitive impairments
  • Seizures
  • Dizziness
  • Mood swings
  • Insomnia
  • Digestive issues
  • Loss of coordination
  • Debilitating headaches

While the effects of a traumatic brain injury vary, the types of injuries victims could sustain are well categorized.

Penetrating Injuries

Penetrating injuries occur when something pierces the victim’s head and enters the brain. The damage to the brain may be deadly, as penetrating injuries frequently result in clotting, excessive bleeding, and inhibit sufficient brain oxygenation.


A contusion is bruising on the brain. While the bleeding may cease of its own accord, sometimes, surgery may be required to take out the contusion.

Coup-Contrecoup Injuries

Coup-contrecoup traumatic brain injuries are when the brain forcibly impacts something, resulting in secondary impact on the other side of the brain. As such, the damage to multiple areas of the brain could be significant and require a prolonged convalescence.

Diffuse Axonal Injuries

Diffuse axonal injuries involve a traumatic force to the head that is strong that it damages the brain matter and results in small or large tears. When a diffuse axonal injury occurs congruent with another injury such as a concussion, the recovery time and associated symptoms may be worsened. Sometimes, diffuse axonal injuries which inflict large enough tears that have the power to be life-threatening.


Concussions are among the mildest type of traumatic brain injury, usually caused by sudden force that jostles the brain. With that said, concussions may lead to long-lasting challenges, including post-concussive syndrome.

Common Underlying Causes

Common underlying causes of traumatic brain injuries include the following:

A Hamilton County traumatic brain injury attorney could diligently review the facts of the accident and pursue compensation from all parties liable for the victim’s traumatic brain injury.

Types of Compensation Victims May be Entitled To

A wide range of compensatory damages may be available for the economic and non-economic losses endured by traumatic brain injury victims. Economic damages refer to financial losses with a fixed dollar amount, while non-economic damages are more subjective and do not have a precise dollar amount designated.

Economic damages may include the injured party’s medical bills, time lost from work, and rehabilitation expenses, among others. Examples of non-economic damages include future diminished earning capacity, and pain and suffering.

In rare cases, punitive damages may also be awarded in cases where the actions of the at-fault party were particularly abhorrent. A traumatic brain injury lawyer in Hamilton County could advise the victim regarding the types of damages which may be available to him or her through a successful settlement or jury award.

Required Filing Timelines

Tennessee Code § 28-3-104 states that injured individuals have up to one year from the date of the loss to file a civil lawsuit. Any effort made to file a personal injury lawsuit after more than year has transpired since the accident could make it impossible for the victim to recover compensation.

Speak with a Hamilton County Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney

Do not hesitate to seek out the staunch legal representation you need and deserve to handle your personal injury claim. It is advisable to get in touch with a lawyer well before the statutory deadline closes, or you could be barred from any financial recovery whatsoever. To speak with a Hamilton County traumatic brain injury lawyer, call our office today.

Hamilton County Catastrophic Injury Lawyer