Types of Dalton Spinal Cord Injuries

Suffering a back injury is never easy, but especially so when another person is at fault for the accident that caused your pain. With the many types of Dalton spinal cord injuries, however, it is important you understand which it is that you suffer from and how best to recover compensation from negligent parties. Should you choose to pursue a lawsuit, an experienced spinal cord injury lawyer could fight for the compensation you need.

What Classifies as a Spinal Cord Injury?

A spinal cord injury is any damage to the bundle of nerves that runs from the stem of the brain down through the back through a bone tube called the spinal canal. An injury to the spinal column and any of its parts can involve a loss of function, a loss of mobility or feeling, or maybe pain.

When Does a Back Injury Warrant Legal Pursuit?

In regards to legal pursuit, a spinal cord injury has to be somebody else’s fault for victims to recover compensation. Injuries can occur from a car wreck or a person slipping on something that was left on the floor carelessly. In other circumstances, they can result from negligent positioning during surgery. They can just result from a lot of different kinds of causes.

The next requirement for legal pursuit is that the type of injury needs to last for a period of time and cause significant interruption to a victim’s life. If an injury is short-lived, if it is minor and does not cause any problem, then it does not warrant bringing a legal claim.

Common Causes of Spinal Column Injuries

The most common causes of spinal cord injuries are traumatic impacts. In Dalton, car wrecks frequently cause spinal cord injuries. Perhaps the second most common form of injury attorneys see are falls. If a person falls from a height or falls just onto the floor, that type of impact can cause spinal cord injuries. Lastly, twisting or lifting, overloading, and putting too much pressure on the spine or back can cause spinal cord injuries.

Benefits to a Dedicated Dalton Attorney

Someone with a spinal cord injury should contact a catastrophic injury lawyer immediately. Spinal cords are made up of nerves, and oftentimes, injuries to these nerves do not heal the way injuries to bones or muscles or ligaments heal. All too often, an injury to a nerve, and especially the spinal cord, will be a permanent injury that will take away function and ability from the person for the rest of his or her life. Therefore, these maladies tend to be more serious injuries that require more serious recoveries in order to make up for what was lost.

First Calls After an Accident

If a spinal cord injury happens in a car wreck, the first call a person should make is to the police. Then victims should seek medical attention. They should call an ambulance or go to a hospital or to a doctor to get help for the medical injury. The third thing victims should do is contact a lawyer to ask the lawyer to begin investigating the case and collecting evidence for the case.

Learn More of the Types of Spinal Column Injuries in Dalton from a Lawyer

Because there are a number of injuries that can happen to the spinal column, it pays to work with a dedicated lawyer who knows about the types of Dalton spinal cord injuries. With the right legal assistance, you could focus on your recovery while an attorney takes the case off of your hands and vies for the compensation you need and on your behalf. Call today to start with an initial case evaluation and see what could be done to help you.

Dalton Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer