Dade County Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Car wrecks are one of the most frequent causes of grave injuries and fatalities in the state of Georgia and across the nation. When a pedestrian is hurt in a motor vehicle collision, the likelihood of them suffering catastrophic injuries increases exponentially. If you have been injured in such an accident, you may need to hire a Dade County pedestrian accident lawyer.

A personal injury attorney could help you investigate liability for your claim and help you hold the at-fault responsible for your damages. An attorney could help you better understand the legal process and the value of your claim.

Common Factors in Pedestrian Collisions

Pedestrian collisions can be caused by a multitude of factors, but often, a driver’s negligence is perhaps the most common. Driving while impaired, speeding, texting while driving, and distracted driving are factors frequently cited in pedestrian crashes. Pedestrian crashes can also happen when a driver fails to yield the right of way to a pedestrian, runs a red light, fails to halt at a stop sign, or simply fails to pay sufficient attention to the road in front of them.

Starting a Civil Lawsuit

When filing a pedestrian accident lawsuit, the injured party must be sure to comply with the filing deadline set forth by state law. Official Code of Georgia Annotated § 9-3-33 states that the standard deadline for personal injury lawsuits is two years from the date of that the incident happens. It is imperative that an injured pedestrian understand and adhere to this filing timeline, as failure to do so prevent them from getting compensation.

If a pedestrian is hit and killed by a negligent motorist, the filing window tolls slightly differently. In these circumstances, the victim’s family would have up to two years from the date of the individual’s death to file a wrongful death claim against the liable party. A pedestrian collision attorney in Dade County could assist with filing both types of claims.

Pedestrian Injury Claims Summarized

When a pedestrian is impacted by a moving motor vehicle, they could suffer devastating personal injuries. Injuries including spinal cord injuries, paralysis, brain trauma, nerve damage, organ injuries, amputations, vision injuries, hearing injuries, and internal bleeding are common in pedestrian accident claims. These injuries can result in equally devastating financial damages, such as emotional distress, pain, suffering, income loss, medical bills, lost life enjoyment, and more.

A Dade County pedestrian crash attorney could help someone file an injury claim to recover their damages from the at-fault party or parties. In certain situations, it might also be possible for the injured pedestrian to seek punitive damages from the court for the losses he or she has endured due to the at-fault driver’s negligence.

Schedule Your Confidential Consultation with a Dade County Pedestrian Accident Attorney

If you were hit as a pedestrian by a negligent driver, you may have options to pursue compensation. A Dade County pedestrian accident lawyer could help you evaluate your best legal options and get your claim filed before the statutory deadline runs out.

An attorney could provide an initial assessment of your potential case and eligibility for financial recovery. Schedule your confidential consultation with a Dade County lawyer today.