Dade County Defective Products Lawyer

Defective products are the cause of thousands of injuries to consumers every day and include a wide range of devices, from food to electronics and automobiles. Manufacturers of consumer goods owe it customers to test their products and designs to ensure safety. Individuals who are injured by an item that was improperly designed, manufactured, or packaged can seek compensation to hold the manufacturer legally responsible. If a defective product injured you or someone you love, a Dade County defective products lawyer may be able to help you get the justice you deserve. Reach out to a personal injury lawyer today.

Types of Defective Products Lawsuits

Injuries can result from a variety of defective products. Common sources of injuries from defective products include recreational equipment, children’s products, household appliances, and motor vehicles. There are three major categories of defective product liability cases, including design defect, failure to warn, and manufacturing defect. Depending on the facts of the case, a manufacturer may be held liable under one of these theories for placing a defective product on the market.

A design defect occurs when there is a flaw in the original design of the product that makes it inherently unsafe. A manufacturing defect occurs during the production or assembly of a product and may include a single product or a whole batch. Lastly, a manufacturer may be liable for a failure to provide an adequate warning about the dangers of a product, including instructions and warnings of foreseeable hazards.

Establishing Fault Against Negligent Manufacturers

To bring a defective product liability lawsuit, plaintiffs must prove that the product was defective at the time of the injury, that the product proximately caused the plaintiff’s injury, the product was not altered before use by the plaintiff, and the product was used by the consumer in the intended or a reasonably foreseeable manner. A manufacturer may also be held liable for a defective product on theories of negligence, strict liability, and breach of warranty. A Dade County product liability attorney can help identify the nature of your claim and work to pursue adequate compensation.

Recovering Damages in Dade County Faulty Product Suits

An individual injured by a dangerous product may be entitled to compensation with the help of a Dade County product liability attorney. Plaintiffs could pursue compensation for damages including, medical expenses, lost wages, and reimbursement for the damaged property as a result of the product defect. Individuals can also recover damages for pain and suffering.
Many product liability cases involve situations where the injured party is partially at fault. Under Georgia’s modified comparative fault rule, an individual who is partly at fault for their injury may still recover if they are 49% or less responsible for damages claimed. In those cases, the damages are reduced in proportion to the plaintiff’s fault. Where the injured party is 50% or more at fault, they forfeit the right to recovery.

Statute of Limitations

In the state of Georgia, plaintiffs only have a limited amount of time to file a product liability claim to seek compensation for their damages. This time limit, known as the statute of limitations, is two years from the date of the injury. In filing these claims, time is of the essence, because after the statute of limitations expires, a plaintiff may forfeit the right to file a claim.

Connect with a Dade County Defective Products Attorney Today

Manufacturers are required to make products that are well designed, safely made, and implement quality control systems to prevent defective products from entering the marketplace. When they fail to meet these standards, we can help you hold them responsible. If you were injured by a defective product, a Dade County, defective product attorney can assist you in recovering your damages. To see what a knowledgeable attorney could do in your case, contact us today.