Dade County Dangerous Drugs Lawyer

Many Dade County residents suffer from injuries or illnesses that require the use of prescription and over the counter medications. While most drugs have some side effects, some pharmaceutical drugs can do more harm than good. Where pharmaceutical companies put drugs on the market are inherently dangerous or improperly tested, individuals may suffer severe injuries. If a prescription or over-the-counter drug harmed you or a loved one, you might be entitled to compensation for your injuries which could be accomplished with the help of a personal injury attorney. Contact a Dade County dangerous drug lawyer to examine your case and help you understand your legal options.

How are Dangerous Drugs Defined in Dade County?

Under the Official Code of Georgia §16-13-71, a dangerous drug is defined as one that must be prescribed by a doctor and which has formally been labeled by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as dangerous. The FDA may label a medication as dangerous when it is suspected of causing more harm than good and where the benefits of a drug do not outweigh the risks. In these cases, the FDA will issue a warning to the public and require the manufacturer to place a warning label on the medication. Some examples of dangerous drugs include Xarelto, Zoloft, Essure, Lipitor, Yaz, Zofran, and Taxotere.

Dangerous Drug Side Effects

The symptoms of dangerous drugs vary from person to person, with some individuals experiencing mild symptoms, while others experience severe or life-threatening complications. Some examples of minor side effects include headaches, diarrhea, drowsiness, and fatigue. Significant side effects may consist of internal bleeding, heart issues, high blood pressure, birth defects, cancer, and in severe cases, death. When prescribing medications, a physician must decide if the benefits of the drug outweighs the potential risks.

Pharmaceutical Company Liability

Pharmaceutical companies are required to ensure that the drugs they produce are safe and must warn consumers when a medication causes dangerous side effects. If a pharmaceutical company inadequately manufactures or fails to list potential side effects on the packaging, they may be liable for any subsequent injuries. Theories of liability in dangerous drug and pharmaceutical liability cases may include:

  • Strict product liability
  • Deceptive and misleading marketing
  • Failure to warn of known dangers
  • Negligent research and design
  • Negligent manufacturing

Although pharmaceutical companies are required by state and federal consumer protection statutes to conduct extensive testing, not all side effects are apparent during trials, and not all products are tested equally.

Recoverable Damages

Dangerous drug side effects can lead to financial distress, an inability to work, physical, mental, or emotional stress, and medical bills stemming from the drug’s harm. A successful dangerous drug liability case may result in substantial damages, including past and future medical costs, compensation for pain and suffering, and replacement of lost income and loss of future earning capacity. Pharmaceutical litigation cases are complex and Dade County dangerous drug attorney are experienced in dealing with big drug companies to fight for an injured plaintiff’s interests.

Connect with a Dade County Attorney

If you or a family member suffered an injury as a result of a dangerous drug, a Dade County pharmaceutical lawyer will examine your case to identify if there is a link between the drug and resulting injuries. We understand the damages that these dangerous drugs can cause and will work to get you compensated. Contact our office to schedule a consultation.