Rhea County Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Rhea County bicycle accident lawyers protect and defend cyclists in Rhea County, Tennessee with skill, experience, and passion. Experienced personal injury attorneys know that injuries to cyclists are unique and require a specialized approach to proving liability and recovering full compensation for potential clients for their injuries. If you or a loved one have been injured in any type of bicycle accident, do not hesitate to contact us for a Rhea bicycle accident lawyer who can examine your entire case, discuss possible legal options, and help you decide on the best course of action.

Common Bike Accidents

The Centers for Disease Control reported that in 2015 there were over 1,000 deaths from bicycle accidents in the United States, and cyclists suffered approximately 475,000 injuries in that year. Rhea County bicycle accident lawyers know cyclists can be injured or killed by the wrongful actions of others in a variety of ways, including injuries from:

  • Car door accidents
  • Hit and run drivers
  • Striking road debris
  • Bicycle impacting bicycle accidents
  • Road defects
  • Side swipe accidents
  • Dog bite accidents

Following an Accident

When someone is injured in a bicycle accident, they will need immediate help to protect their rights and strengthen the case. Attorneys will need to establish and document the facts of the accident. They typically visit the scene of the accident and photograph all important aspects of the case. It is important to document the damage to the bicycle and the individual’s injuries because most bicycle accidents include road scrapes and wounds, which often leave scars.

A Rhea County bicycle accident lawyer can obtain the police report for the accident, and interview and record statements from all witnesses. A lawyer can research the party that injured the individual, and try determining what the extent of their coverage for the accident. They can also examine insurance policies of the potential client to determine if there is coverage and money available for a potential client’s injuries.

Role of a Lawyer

In addition to the investigation of your case, a Rhea County bicycle accident lawyer can assist in obtaining medical care. They can immediately notify the responsible parties that they are representing the injured individual. After seeking medical assistance and terminating the investigation, a lawyer will prepare and serve a settlement demand for your injuries. They can provide expert advice on the value of injuries based upon previous cases and jury verdicts for similar injuries.

Experienced attorneys can begin negotiations for a settlement on behalf of the individual they are representing. If settlement negotiations do not produce the desired results, the attorney can file a lawsuit. During the pendency of the lawsuit, more information can be obtained from the responsible parties. Lawyers can also take the depositions, or examinations under oath, of all responsible parties, as well as witnesses. They can also utilize arbitration and mediation to obtain the settlement you deserve.

If your case does not resolve, Rhea County bicycle accident lawyers will take steps to strengthen your case. A lawyer may also hire experts to document how the accident happened, and experts to testify about your injuries and future medical expenses and disabilities.