The Impact of a Dalton Traumatic Brain Injury

If you have suffered the impact of a Dalton traumatic brain injury, it may be time to contact one of our lawyers who could help you recover. While monetary compensation from responsible parties cannot ever undo what has been done, it could help you address past expenses and future living needs. Reach out to an attorney to learn more about your legal options today.

Complications That Could Arise from a TBI

TBIs could result in skull fractures where the bones protecting the brain are broken. There may be bleeding or bruising inside the brain with blood coagulating inside the skull, which is called hematoma. The injured individual may lose brain activity from a loss of oxygen because if the brain cannot receive enough oxygen, parts of it die or stop functioning, which is often referred to as brain damage. A TBI could also result in an individual losing their vision or becoming paralyzed. The impact of a Dalton traumatic brain injury, however, does not end with physical effects. Often, people are impacted cognitively.

Physical Conditions and Ailments

Physical conditions that could occur as a result of a TBI include the losing function of body parts, losing sensation, or losing muscle control, which might only effect on one side of the body if the damage is to one side of the brain. Injured individuals may lose vision, hearing, or any number of physical abilities as a result of TBI.

Psychological Effects

TBIs are frequently associated with anxiety and depression, as injured individuals often feel abnormal after suffering TBI. Victims may relive the traumatic experience over and over, become gripped with fear, or lose impulse control. An individual who has sustained a TBI may also experience changes in his or her personality or develop anger issues.

Neurological Conditions

TBIs could cause many neurological conditions or the loss of some cognitive function. Those who have sustained TBIs may find that as a result of their injury, they have decreased math or reading skills or are unable to understand certain concepts. They may have memory loss or experience tingling, weakness, or numbness.

First Steps Following an Injury to the Head

After sustaining a traumatic brain injury, the individual must seek immediate medical attention and follow the instruction of their treating medical professionals, which could decrease the damage. The individual must ensure that whatever caused his or her injury is documented, reported to the proper authorities, and investigated. The person harmed should also contact a catastrophic injury lawyer who could investigate the case, guide him or her through the legal process, and empower him or her to protect him or herself, the future, and family.

Treating a Traumatic Head Injury

An individual who has sustained a TBI should go directly to a hospital, emergency room, or any medical facility where he or she could receive immediate attention from a licensed medical doctor. After receiving emergency treatment, the individual should follow up with a medical professional who specializes in brain injuries, such as a neurologist, neurosurgeon, or neuropsychiatrist.

Seeking Medical Attention Despite Feeling Fine

People should immediately seek medical attention after sustaining head injuries because the symptoms of such injuries are not always apparent or indicative of the severity of the injury. Symptoms of a brain injuries may be invisible or imperceptible to everyone, even the injured person, unless they are evaluated by a trained medical professional. Symptoms of a life-threatening brain injury could include:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Lightheadedness

Even if victims do not believe they are experiencing any such symptoms after a head injury, they should seek treatment as soon as possible because symptoms of a TBI are difficult for anyone other than a trained medical professional to identify.

Let Our Attorneys Help

If you or someone you love has experienced the impact of a Dalton traumatic brain injury, recovery may seem otherworldly. Fortunately, the law provides you a means to recover compensation from negligent parties responsible for causing an accident that resulted in a serious head injury. To learn more about how you could utilize this avenue, reach out to an experienced catastrophic injury lawyer today.