Types of Dalton Traumatic Brain Injuries

Because of the numerous types of Dalton traumatic brain injuries, it could be of use to you to understand what you can do to both recover compensation from irresponsible parties and address any treatments necessary to make a maximum recovery. To learn more about your legal options, get in touch with a dedicated traumatic brain injury lawyer who has worked with victims like yourself and who could help you recover compensation for you injuries.

What Are the Different Types of Traumatic Head Injuries?

There are four main categories of brain injuries. There are concussions and brain contusions, which are gatherings or bruises on the brain tissue. There are also penetrating brain injuries, which would be like a gunshot wound. Then there are what are called anoxic brain injuries, which is a loss of oxygen to the brain. Most brain injuries fall into one or more of these categories.

Primary Versus Secondary Brain Injuries

Primary traumatic brain injuries include things like a brain bleed or penetrating injuries, things that cause the brain injury to happen immediately. It happens when the event happens.

A secondary injury may be something that happens later. It is something that occurs due to a loss of oxygen or blood and swelling of the brain.

Determining the Correct Diagnosis

Doctors look at several different things to distinguish between types of brain injury. They look at the symptoms. Are the symptoms localized to a specific portion of the body? Are they localized to a specific system of the body or are they a larger, more general type system?

Medical professionals also utilize diagnostic imaging, which could include X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, and other types of imaging to tell them what is going on in the brain.

Defining Hypoxic Brain Trauma

A hypoxic brain injury is when it affects the entire brain. A hypoxic brain injury happens when the entire brain is deprived of oxygen supply. If a person was choked or something like that or cut the jugular vein, and there was a massive loss of blood, things of that nature could cause a hypoxic brain injury.

Why You Should Know What Type of Injury You Have

Patients need to understand the type of brain injury they have so that they can understand and make sense of what they are experiencing. They need to know how to treat it and know what kind of help they need to seek. Some types of brain injuries are progressive in nature and might be treatable with certain types of therapies.

Other types of brain injuries might impact a person’s personality. Head injuries might impact their emotional state. Therefore, understanding the type of brain injury might help a person avoid some of the problems that come from personality changes or difficulty managing emotions.

Knowing the type of brain injury they have helps them deal with the effects of the brain injury and may even slow down or decrease the future effects of a brain injury.

Unique Treatment Options for Victims

Treatment differs between all these different types of TBIs. One of the really sad parts is that some traumatic brain injuries just have very few treatments available. Sometimes there is just very little that the medical community can do to reverse the effects of these injuries. It is not like a broken bone or a back injury or a joint injury where victims can undergo surgery or where they are fitted with a prosthetic.

Fortunately for some victims, there are options available to some types of traumatic brain injuries. Sometimes victims can be treated with neurological therapies that help redevelop certain motor skills or certain motor functions or neurological functions that were damaged.

The type of treatment they need and whether any treatment is available at all varies widely from one brain injury to the next.

Learn More About the Types of Dalton Traumatic Brain Injuries from a Lawyer Today

If you or a loved one has recently suffered from a traumatic brain injury, learning about the types of head traumas in Dalton could help you understand your options. Recovery may still be possible, and if another negligent party was responsible for your harm, then you could hold them legally responsible for the subsequent medical bills you must address to seek the treatment you need. Let an attorney help. Call today.

Types of Dalton Traumatic Brain Injuries