Dalton Hypoxic Brain Injury Lawyer

When medical professionals forego their responsibility to treat us with the care we all deserve, accidents transpire. While not always serious, some are unfortunately life-changing. These effects are sometimes so debilitating that people, like yourself, who suffer these acts are often left confused, hurt, and grappling with a series amount of medical debt.

If you or someone you love suffered a serious brain injury caused by oxygen deprivation, then you should seek out a practiced traumatic brain injury lawyer. Experienced counsel could help you make a swift recovery. Reach out today to a Dalton hypoxic brain injury lawyer.

Common Ways People Sustain a Hypoxic Brain Injury

Hypoxic brain injuries more frequently occur during surgery when a person is having problems with blood, gases, or things of that nature. Usually, a hypoxic brain injury is when the brain is getting some oxygen, but not enough oxygen. This can also occur through certain types of poisoning like carbon monoxide poisoning or other fume exposure.

Injuries such as these can happen through choking and drowning as well, but especially if a person’s flow of air is cut off at their neck. In other, less frequent cases, people could suffer from a hypoxic brain injury if they are already predisposed to certain medical conditions like asthma, bronchitis, or COPD.

What Makes These Injuries Serious?

Hypoxic brain injuries are exceptionally serious. They are pretty much the same as anoxic brain injuries in that they can cause major paralysis, loss of sight, vision loss, loss of motor control, loss of the ability to speak, loss of cognitive function, and memory loss. Injured people may have the inability to understand who they are and who their family members are, and it can rob them of their identity and their ability to lead a normal life.

Potential Treatment Options

Hypoxic brain injuries have treatment options that are very similar to anoxic brain injuries. Hypoxic brain injuries are frequently associated with memory loss and things of that nature. Sometimes victims of these injuries undergo cognitive therapy and mental retraining with the goal of helping them to recover their ability to recall information, and maybe even information that they no longer had access to.

When these brain injuries affect people’s ability to function on a physical level, physical therapy is often sought through a claim. This could include:

  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Various medications to help with motor skills and to address tremors and seizures

Who Could Be Responsible for a Hypoxic Brain Injury?

An individual or entity such, as a hospital, could be held liable for the sorts of circumstances that caused hypoxic brain injuries. If medical professionals or entities like hospitals do something that causes another person to go through a situation like near-drowning, exposure to chemicals or fumes, or strangulation, then they are liable for whatever damages occur as a result. If the damages that occur result in a hypoxic brain injury, then they are held liable for all the effects of that hypoxic brain injury.

Why Seek Out an Attorney for a Dalton Hypoxic Brain Injury?

Individuals with hypoxic brain injury should seek out a Dalton hypoxic injury lawyer. These specific brain injuries are rare, but it depends on exactly what caused the brain injury. Not every injury gives rise to a claim.

If you believe that you suffered because of a negligent health provider or hospital practices, then you should contact an attorney who could determine if you have a viable claim. Call our offices today to see what could be done.

Types of Dalton Traumatic Brain Injuries