Safety Concerns with Durham Bus Company

child bus accident

Massey & Associates, P.C. Wins Settlement Against Durham Bus Company

A 12-year-old Hamilton County boy was injured by fellow students on a school bus operated by Durham Bus Company. When he arrived at his bus stop, his grandmother found that he could barely get down the steps from the bus. To the grandmother’s dismay, the school bus driver acted as though nothing had happened, provided no assistance to the injured student and offered no explanation as to what had happened.

The incident required the child to see multiple doctors where he was diagnosed with severe injuries to his left leg, including a torn muscle and damage to his femur where it meets the knee.
Initially, the bus driver and the operator the bus, Durham Bus Company, denied any wrongdoing, which led the boy’s grandmother to seek legal representation from Gary Massey, a well-respected attorney in Chattanooga, specializing in personal injury.

After several months of investigating and fighting, Mr. Massey got Durham Bus Company to accept responsibility and acknowledge liability. He successfully proved that the bus company did not do its job to protect the safety of its young passengers and obtained a settlement on behalf of the child and grandmother.

If your loved one has been injured due to negligence on a school bus, consult with a skilled bus accident attorney who can represent your family. Know your rights, and receive the compensation you deserve. Ensure that your child is legally protected and contact a child injury lawyer.

Author Profile

Gary Massey, Jr., is a well-known courtroom advocate practicing law in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Gary is a native of Tennessee who began practicing law in 1998. He graduated from Cumberland School of Law where he was ranked in the top 3% of his class and was an editor of the Cumberland Law Review.

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