Involved in a Bus Accident?

Buses are used throughout the nation as a means of transportation for commuters, students, tour groups, and other individuals and organizations. But, as demonstrated by the number of U.S. bus accidents in 2010 and 2009 bus accident statistics, the effects of a bus accident can be devastating. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were 58,000 traffic crashes involving buses nationwide in 2009. Most of this involved property damage only, but 10,000 bus crashes resulted in injury, and 221 resulted in fatalities. The high incident rate of recent injury and fatal bus accidents even prompted the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to implement new measures to improve passenger safety. Future statistics will tell if these measures have any effect. Regardless, if you are one of the many people invovled in a bus accident, it is imperative you seek the assistance of a Chattanooga bus accident lawyer to file an injury claim and recover damages for any injuries sustained.

  • $268,000,000

    Product Liability

    This was a national case covering hundreds of plaintiffs when an implanted heart defibrillator malfunctioned, injuring many and even killing some people.

  • $2,000,000

    Medical Malpractice

    Husband of a young mother who died due to the failure to diagnose a pulmonary embolism

  • $1,311,750

    Motor Vehicle Accident

    Boy injured in a jet ski accident

Main Causes of Bus Accidents

Like all motor-vehicle accidents, bus accidents are caused by a variety of factors. Some of the most common include:

  • Driver error, recklessness and/or negligence (including inexperienced driving and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs)
  • Poor vehicle maintenance and/or untimely repair
  • Defective auto parts or equipment
  • Severe weather
  • Hazardous roadways

How Could Bus Accidents Be Prevented?

In most cases, a Tennessee bus accident can be prevented by driving lawfully and safely for the current conditions of the road. Even in harsh weather, a driver should be able to operate a bus safely by making turns more carefully, altering speed, and/or travel routes. If a bus driver does not drive lawfully and safely, then the bus driver, as well as his or her employer, may be held liable for the injuries and/or fatalities caused in an accident. Transportation departments or other state agencies and bus equipment manufacturers may also be held liable if the accident was caused by hazardous roadways or defective parts or equipment. As experienced Chattanooga bus accident attorneys, we can ensure that all at-fault parties will be held accountable for the injuries and wrongful deaths caused.

What Are Common Bus Accident Injuries?

Bus accidents can contribute to a wide range of injuries. Though some may be mild, very often, victims of bus accidents suffer catastrophic injuries, including brain injury, broken bones, spinal cord injury, internal trauma, back and neck injuries, and head injury. A serious injury could affect a victim for the rest of his or her life and even result in disability.

Serious injuries incur serious financial and emotional costs. Medical treatments, lost wages, rehabilitative treatments, lower quality of life and pain suffering are common losses for injured bus accident victims. These hardships are very difficult to overcome on one’s own, making it important those injured seek the assistance of a Chattanooga bus accident lawyer.

  • Gary Massey

    Gary Massey

    Gary Massey, Jr., is a well-known courtroom advocate practicing law in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Gary is a native of Tennessee who began practicing law in 1998. He graduated from Cumberland School of Law where he was ranked in the top 3% of his class and was an editor of the Cumberland Law Review.

    Read Bio: Gary Massey

Benefit of a Chattanooga Bus Accident Lawyer

In order to truly recover from a devastating injury, a victim must hold the negligent, or otherwise at-fault, party accountable for the suffering they’ve caused. At Massey & Associates, PC, our skilled Chattanooga bus accident attorneys help injured victims and the families of wrongful death victims recover during such a difficult time by pursuing the compensation they deserve. Call one of our knowledgeable bus crash attorneys today to find out how we can help you.

  • No upfront cost if we handle your case.
  • Our team has seasoned, dependable lawyers with a history of delivering results.
  • MILLIONS recovered for our clients.