In any season, biking is an exhilarating way to exercise and enjoy the beautiful Tennessee scenery. However, riding a bike can present dangerous and unique hazards, particularly when motorists are not cautious or mindful of those on two wheels who may be sharing the road with them. The Tennessee Department of Safety reports that there has been a decrease in the number of bicycle accidents in the state, with a total of 480 in 2008 and 333 in 2010 (according to preliminary data). Though this is excellent news for biking enthusiasts, anyone involved in a bicycle crash knows that even one accident on TN roads is one too many.

To ensure that those who travel the open road by bike stay safe, the following is a list of four common types of bicycle accidents with tips on how to avoid them.

  1. Wrong-way wreck: When a bicyclist rides the wrong way, as against traffic, and a car makes a right turn from a side street or driveway and collides with the biker. It is crucial to not ride against traffic to avoid this type of crash.
  2. Crosswalk slam: Occurs when a bicyclist is crossing at a crosswalk and a vehicle makes a right turn and hits the biker. To avoid this type of TN intersection crash, equip your bike with a headlight and slow down to make sure you have time to stop.
  3. Door prize: A common type of crash, this happens when a driver opens his or her door in front of a bicyclist. Bikers should ride far enough to the left to avoid running into an open door.
  4. Right cross: The most common way to get hit, this happens when a car is pulling out of a driveway, parking lot, or side street on the right and either the biker is in front of the car and gets hit or the car pulls out in front and the biker slams into it. To prevent this, slow down, ride further left, and wave to alert the driver that you’re there.

Injuries from a bicycle accident can be very severe and may involve a lengthy recovery. Any biker injured in an accident caused by another’s negligence should seek legal assistance immediately to ensure you get the compensation needed to recover from the collision. The bicycle accident lawyers in Tennessee of Massey & Associates, P.C. are committed to helping accident victims hold at-fault parties responsible. Call 423-697-4529for a free consultation.