For any person who has used any type of air travel, the thought of being involved in a dangerous aviation accident may have crossed their mind. Though aviation accidents are very rare and air travel is one of the safest means of transportation, with the odds of being on an airline flight with at least one fatality being one in 5.4 million for the top 25 airlines, when they do occur they are often deadly for the passengers onboard. The causes for aviation accidents are all different and depend on the circumstances and problems that develop during a flight, but there are very common types of accidents that can occur while in the air.
The following is a list of the most common aviation accidents and causes:
- Descent and landing accidents – This is the most common type, accounting for 36 percent of all general aviation mishaps.
- Defective landing gear – Mechanical problems can compromise a pilot’s ability to land safely.
- Preflight and taxi/takeoff accidents – Failure of the pilot or airline that has the responsibility to complete a thorough inspection before takeoff can have disastrous results. Taxi and takeoff accidents may not be as visually dramatic as other accidents, but can certainly result in injuries and fatalities.
- Mechanical failures and electrical malfunctions – As no machine or technology is completely reliable, severe accidents can result. Defective gauges and instruments can lessen the ability for pilots to gauge speed, fuel supply, or power. Additionally, engine failure can easily lead to an accident.
- Pilot error and negligence – A mistake made by a pilot can endanger hundreds of lives. Pilot error accounted for 37 percent of all commercial airplane accidents from 1950 through 2004.
- Inclement weather – Can include rain, snow, wind, or lightning, all of which can be very dangerous for aviation.
- Air traffic control errors – Reports of air traffic controllers acting dangerously has brought more attention to this issue and their actions.
Any person that has been affected by an aviation accident should understand that they have legal rights and can take action against any parties responsible. The aviation accident lawyers in Tennessee with Massey & Associates, P.C. can help any TN resident who has endured injuries, or even lost a loved one, in an aviation accident. Please call 423-697-4529for a complimentary review of your case.