Video Testimonials
Eric E. needed legal assistance with the reconsideration hearing that was tied to his workman’s compensation case. Massey & Associates had represented Eric in the past and won his workman’s compensation case for him. He returned to Massey & Associates for the reconsideration hearing. Eric was happy with the results yet again.
“..there could be stuff you don’t know about, and you really need to speak to an attorney”
Tonda’s employer denied that the injuries that Tonda suffered from occurred on the job. Gary Massey argued in Tonda’s favor and the judge ordered that her lost wages be paid along with medical bills. She also received a lump sum payment due to her permanent injuries. Tonda highly recommends Massey & Associates.
“If anyone in Chattanooga needs an attorney, Mr. Massey is your man”
Robert is a small general contractor who was injured in a slip and fall accident. He turned to Massey & Associates and was hoping to recoup some of his lost wages and medical expenses. Massey & Associates was able to recover his lost wages, medical expenses and compensation for pain and suffering. Robert highly recommends Massey & Associates.
“More than ever would I refer Massey & Associates.”
Greg W. turned to Massey & Associates to help with his worker’s compensation claim. He was pleased with the results.
Greg W. was at work, lifting and stacking trays, when he suffered a torn rotator cuff in his shoulder. Despite the laws in Tennessee that are supposed to protect employees like Greg, he was denied work comp benefits.
Our client, an innocent woman, was struck by an uninsured driver. She describes her experience with Massey & Associates.
Laura O., an innocent pedestrian, was injured after being struck by an uninsured driver. Her insurance company, Tennessee Farm Bureau, took the side of the negligent driver and refused to compensate Laura for her injuries.
Danny C. was injured after a truck rear ended his vehicle. He needed the assistance from Massey & Associates to get the trucking company to take responsibility. He was happy with the results.
Danny C. was driving when his vehicle was struck by a box truck. He suffered multiple injuries and was unable to work. Initially, the trucking company refused to take responsibility—they refused to help Mr. Coker and his family. This prompted Danny C. to hire Massey & Associates.
A client expresses his satisfaction with using Massey & Associates in his bankruptcy proceedings.
Like many good people in Tennessee, Mr. Heath was having financial problems. He came to Massey & Associates Chattanooga office, looking for guidance. Gary Massey, the firm’s founder and practicing bankruptcy lawyer was able to help.
Greg W. discusses his experience filing for SSD and why he turned to Massey & Associates.
Greg W., a hard working man, earned a living doing manual labor jobs that required him to lift things over his head. One day at work Greg injured (torn rotator cuff) his left shoulder and was no longer able to work. He applied for Social Security Disability benefits on his own but was turned down, twice.
Ms. Broyles suffered from an shoulder injury after a fall on ice at her apartment complex. She turned to Massey & Associates when the property owners refused to cover her medical expenses and then evicted her. Ms. Broyles was happy with the results she obtained with Massey & Associates.
Ms. Broyles had been living in the same apartment for years–one she loved and considered “home.” One day she slipped on ice outside of her apartment and severely injured her shoulder, which required surgery. When she asked the property owners to cover her medical expenses, they not only refused, but they evicted her.
Miss Davis developed a bed sore while in a nursing home. The care she received and the bed sore led to her suffering and death. Radford Davis, her son, describes her injuries and the emotional toll it took on him as he watched his mother’s health deteriorate.
Ms. Davis, a loving mother was in a nursing home—a place where she was supposed to be properly cared for. Unfortunately, that was not the case. Her son Radford who visited his mother frequently, watched helplessly as her health started to deteriorate. She started loosing weight and developed a bed sore, which placed undo stress on her heart. Sadly, Ms. Davis passed away, and Radford lost his mother due to the nursing home’s negligence.
Ms. Ashley discusses her medical malpractice suit that occurred after she was given the wrong blood in a blood transfusion.
Ms. Ashley received a blood transfusion at a local hospital. The hospital and its staff placed her life in jeopardy when they proceeded to give her the wrong blood type. Shortly after receiving the wrong blood, Ms. Ashley’s health quickly started to worsen. Fortunately, her family recognized something was wrong and notified the medical staff.