After graduating law school, Gary began working in a large law firm where his practice focused mainly on insurance defense and large corporate matters. In December 2000, Gary joined with Bill Speek and opened Massey & Speek, PC. Since then, Gary has focused his practice on helping the disadvantaged enforce their rights against those who mistreat them. In 2006, Gary and Bill parted ways, and the firm name was changed to Massey & Associates, PC.
On the personal side, Gary is happily married to Michelle Hayes Massey. In Gary’s office you will find many photographs of his wife and three children. Having grown up on a farm, Gary still enjoys the outdoors including farming, hunting and other outdoor sports. As a second vocation, Gary is also the Minister at the Mountain Creek Church of Christ.
Gary is also a passionate advocate for families and children. He sits on the Boards of Trustees for both the Tennessee Children’s Home and Freed Hardeman University. Gary says his professional mission is to make the world a safer place by holding wrongdoers accountable when they injure innocent people.
Would you like to know more about Massey & Associates founder, Gary Massey?
In this compelling profile article that was recently published, Gary reveals how his humble beginnings inspired him to become a champion for those in need—in both his professional life—and his personal life.