Marion County Premises Liability Lawyer

Tennessee premises liability lawsuits can be filed to recover for injuries sustained on someone else’s property who failed to maintain it or warn about dangerous conditions. That can include someone’s home, their business, or property that they own. If you have been injured on a Tennessee property, contact an experienced Tennessee premises liability attorney to discuss your situation. A dedicated Marion County premises liability lawyer can analyze your legal options so that you can make an informed decision about what is best for you and your family.

Tennessee Premises Liability Laws

Tennessee premises liability lawsuits ultimately come down to why someone was on a property and whether the owner had a duty to warn someone of a known danger. Premises liability lawsuits most often occur due to steps, stairs, and railings that were not maintained, snow, ice, and debris that were not removed, or flooring that created a slip and fall danger. They can also include swimming pool accidents, dog bite damages, and injuries from ill-maintained yards.

Potential Consequences

Regardless of how an accident occurs, Tennessee premises liability injuries can result in losing time from work, incurring significant medical costs, suffering physical and emotional pain, and more. Tennessee property owners generally have a duty to keep their premises safe. However, their liability will depend on whether the injured person was on the property as an invitee, a licensee, or a trespasser.


Invitees are those who have been expressly invited onto a property and generally include friends, family members, and neighbors. The owner of the property has a duty to keep their premises reasonably safe for anyone invited onto it.


Licensees have express or implied permission to enter a property and generally include those who are on the property for their own financial gain such as lawnmowing crews and swimming pool maintenance workers. The owner of the property has a lesser duty to licensees and must warn them of dangerous conditions which may create an unreasonable risk of harm.


Trespassers have no legal right to be on a property. While the owner of the property generally has no duty to warn of dangerous conditions, they must exercise reasonable care to avoid a reasonably foreseeable risk of harm to children caused by artificial conditions which might attract them and result in injuries. Examples of such conditions include sinkholes, swimming holes, and caves.

In many cases, Tennessee homeowners’ insurance or Tennessee commercial premises insurance policies may cover injuries sustained on someone’s property. However, an experienced premises liability attorney can explain how these laws pertain to lawsuits and who might be held responsible for injuries.

Talk to a Marion County Premises Liability Lawyer Today

If you have been injured while on someone’s property, find out how an expert Marion County premises liability attorney can help. A professional lawyer can review the situation and help you determine what course of action makes sense for you. Rest assured that insurance company lawyers and claims adjusters will be present when homeowners’ or commercial liability policies are triggered. Make sure you have someone representing your best interests. Keep in mind that Tennessee’s statute of limitations for filing a personal injury lawsuit is only one year from the injury date, making it one of the shortest in the nation. Do not lose your chance at recovery and contact a weathered Marion County premises liability lawyer today.