East Brainerd Slip and Fall Lawyer

Most people assume they are safe when shopping at a local grocery store, volunteering around town, or attending a party. While no one anticipates being injured due to a property’s conditions, negligent care of a place may lead to a slip and fall injury. Fortunately, those who are hurt could pursue a civil claim for their damages.

If you find yourself injured because you have slipped and fallen on someone else’s property, a seasoned East Brainerd slip and fall lawyer could help you recover. Allow an experienced injury attorney to assist with filing a claim against the owner or caretaker of the property that caused your injury.

Slip and Fall Filing Deadlines

East Brainerd maintains deadlines for injured people seeking lawsuits. Generally, those injured in a slip and fall accident have one year from the date of the accident to file a claim, per Tennessee Code § 28-3-104.

Failing to file a claim on time may be detrimental to a plaintiff’s recovery. The court may throw out cases that are filed outside the statute of limitations. Consequently, it may be beneficial for individuals who have been injured to contact an East Brainerd slip and fall attorney relatively soon after an accident. Retaining an attorney early on allows ample time to collect evidence, prepare a claim, and file within the deadline.

Damages Available in East Brainerd

There are several different types of compensation a plaintiff can claim in a slip and fall accident. Some damages, referred to as economic damages, already have an objective value, such as medical bills or the cost of home modification. Conversely, non-economic damages are more subjective. These damages include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional anguish
  • Past and future medical bills
  • Past and future lost wages
  • Loss of consortium

Although it can be difficult to quantify these damages, an experienced slip and fall attorney in East Brainerd may provide insight into the real value of losses. In some cases, an attorney may help determine the value of damages before a trial to help reach a potential settlement. If a settlement is not reached, a trial jury will determine the amount of a compensation award.

How Negligence Causes Injuries

Owners or caretakers are legally liable for the upkeep of their properties in East Brainerd. Generally, they should work to quickly resolve any potential dangers. This includes correcting any problems or issues that could cause a slip and fall accident, such as loose flooring or large spill.

If a property owner is aware of a potential danger and does nothing to correct it, they may be negligent. If a potential threat causes harm, the negligent party may be financially liable. Additionally, property owners could bear liability for harm sustained from dangers that they should have been aware of.

Speaking with an East Brainerd Slip and Fall Attorney

The consequences of a slip and fall injury can be far-reaching. Mounting medical bills and lost wages may add financial stress to an already frustrating situation. You may fear falling again or be forced to make significant changes to your lifestyle to help accommodate an injury.

Fortunately, a skilled East Brainerd slip and fall lawyer may be able to help recover damages. Contact an attorney for a free consultation today and have the opportunity to discuss your injury, the losses you have suffered, and the potential for recovery.