Suffered A Burn Injury?

Burn injuries are one of the most excruciatingly painful and agonizing types of personal injury, as well as one of the most dangerous. An aggressive infection, even with a minor burn, can affect other parts of the body and even lead to an amputation. According to the American Burn Association (ABA), there are approximately 3,500 deaths from burn injuries annually in the United States. In addition, approximately 45,000 patients are hospitalized for burn injuries every year. If this type of injury has occurred to you or a loved one because of another’s negligence, a Chattanooga burn injury lawyer may be able to assist in recovering compensation on your behalf. To learn more or begin the claims process for, reach out to an experienced accident lawyer to set up your consultation today.

  • $268,000,000

    Product Liability

    This was a national case covering hundreds of plaintiffs when an implanted heart defibrillator malfunctioned, injuring many and even killing some people.

  • $2,000,000

    Medical Malpractice

    Husband of a young mother who died due to the failure to diagnose a pulmonary embolism

  • $1,311,750

    Motor Vehicle Accident

    Boy injured in a jet ski accident

Burn Injury Information

A burn injury damages the skin as a result of either heat or friction. It may go much deeper into the skin to also damage muscles, soft tissues, and even bones. Burn injuries can occur at home, at work, on the street, at a store, and other locations. Furthermore, as represented by the chart below, burn injuries can range from mild to severe and be caused by a variety of substances in a variety of situations.

  • House fire
  • Wildfire
  • Cooking fire
  • Electric shock
  • Industrial explosion
  • Contact with noxious chemicals
  • Workplace fire explosion
  • Excessive exposure to radiation
  • Excessive heat exposure
  • Excessive sun exposure
  • Contact with hot liquids
  • Fire
  • Flame
  • Chemical
  • Electrical
  • Radiation
  • Scalding
  • 1st-degree burns damage the top layer of skin, or the epidermis
  • 2nd-degree burns damage the second layer of skin, or the dermis
  • 3rd-degree burns damage the third layer of skin, or subcutaneous layer

Burns can come from a lot of different causes, including industrial accidents, faulty household appliances, and traffic collisions. Sometimes they come from medical procedures, as different types of devices that are used to treat certain conditions can also cause burns. 

What Are the Medical Consequences of a Burn?

The effects of a burn injury in Tennessee can be unpredictable. Even exposing the sensitive layers of the skin to air can create further injury or illness. Severe burns can cause major blood loss or even affect the body’s internal functions, such as regulating body temperature or disrupting internal organ function. Severe burns also cause scarring or oftentimes require expensive skin grafting surgeries. Patients who have received severe burns suffer from their injury long after the incident occurs, making it important that they consult with a dedicated Chattanooga burn injury lawyer as soon as possible.

How Does Comparative Fault Affect a Case?

In Tennessee, comparative fault is a legal concept where an individual can be partially at fault for causing their own injury and still recover from the party whose negligence contributed to the accident. The key here is that the injured plaintiffs fault must be less than 50% in order to receive compensation. Their damages are then reduced by the percentage of fault that they are guilty of. For example, if a jury decided someone was 30% responsible for causing their accident, they could still recover compensation but their damages would be reduced by 30%. Our skilled Chattanooga burn injury attorneys could help a plaintiff determine the causes of their injuries and prove the liability of the other party through an external investigation.

  • Gary Massey

    Gary Massey

    Gary Massey, Jr., is a well-known courtroom advocate practicing law in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Gary is a native of Tennessee who began practicing law in 1998. He graduated from Cumberland School of Law where he was ranked in the top 3% of his class and was an editor of the Cumberland Law Review.

    Read Bio: Gary Massey

Consulting a Chattanooga Burn Injury Lawyer

Suffering a burn injury in Tennessee can be devastating, both for the patient and their family. Long-term medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering can become very overwhelming. However, the recovery process can be made less burdensome by ensuring that those responsible for your burn injury compensate you for your losses. Proving liability in burn injury cases can be challenging. However, a catastrophic injury attorney with experience in this type of litigation will know the types of evidence, arguments, and resources to utilize to build a strong case on your behalf.

A knowledgeable Chattanooga burn injury lawyer will understand that those who have suffered a burn injury have a long and painful recovery process ahead of them. Financial stability is an essential factor in making that process less difficult. To learn more about how an attorney can help you and your family during such a difficult time, reach out to a professional Chattanooga burn injury lawyer today for your initial consultation.

  • No upfront cost if we handle your case.
  • Our team has seasoned, dependable lawyers with a history of delivering results.
  • MILLIONS recovered for our clients.