Burn injuries can cause extensive damage to the skin and other tissues. Burns may be caused by heat, electricity, radiation, sunlight, or chemicals, and a wide range of accidents can result in burn injuries.

The prognosis of a burn injury depends on several factors. The cause of the burn affects how it is treated and how it will heal, as does the size of the burn and how quickly the injured person receives treatment after the burn occurs. One of the key factors in evaluating burn injuries, however, is the depth of the burn.

Burn depths are typically categorized in one of three “degrees,” which are:

  • First-degree burns: damages the outer layer of skin only.
  • Second-degree burns: damages both the outer layer of skin and the layer directly underneath.
  • Third-degree burns: damages or destroys all the skin layers and, in some cases, the tissues underneath the skin and possibly bone.

Most first- and second-degree burns will heal without skin grafts, although they can cause blisters, swelling, scars, and intense pain. Third-degree burns typically need skin grafts in order to heal. Grafts may be made of your own skin from an undamaged part of your body or from synthetic materials. They are used to cover the burns and give them the time and protection they need to heal.

Burn injuries are known for causing extreme pain, scarring, and an increased risk of infection. If you or someone you love has suffered a burn injury at home, work, or hobbies, the skilled Chattanooga burn injury attorneys at Massey & Associates, P.C. can help you get the compensation you need. For a free, confidential consultation, call us today at 423-697-4529.