A severe Monday morning auto accident left a man and his four children, ages four, five, seven and eight, in critical condition after their vehicle was hit after having just entered Hixson Pike, according to Chattanoogan.com.

According to police, a vehicle traveling northbound on Hixson Pike struck the victims’ car. Witnesses affirm that the at-fault driver ran a red light before hitting the driver’s side of the victims’ car. Although all occupants of the struck car were taken to the hospital and remain in critical condition, the five-year-old daughter suffered more severe injuries. The Chattanooga car crash is still under investigation, however, charges are pending.

According to the Tennessee Department of Public Safety, there were 39,956 vehicle accidents in Tennessee that occurred at an intersection. Many of these crashes were likely due to a driver’s failure to obey the rules of the road. Tennessee law requires that all motorists obey all traffic signals, signs, and right-of-way laws. If a driver causes an accident because they failed to obey state traffic laws, then they may be held liable for the losses and damages caused. Even if a negligent driver is subjected to criminal charges, they may also be held civilly liable through a personal injury lawsuit.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a Tennessee auto accident caused by the negligent actions of another driver, you may be entitled to financial compensation. At Massey & Associates, P.C., our knowledgeable Chattanooga intersection accident attorneys will examine the details of your accident in order to determine the best course of legal action. To learn more about your legal rights and options, call us today at 423-697-4529for a free consultation.