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Study Shows People Less Likely to Dine at Restaurants Where a Slip-and-Fall Occurred
Go to Study Shows People Less Likely to Dine at Restaurants Where a Slip-and-Fall Occurredpresented by: Gary Massey Tennessee Restaurant Slip FallAccording to Marketwatch.com, a new study conducted by the Cintas Corporation reveals an interesting trend among American restaurant-goers. In order to help restaurant operators understand the serious implications of slip-and-fall accidents, the group commissioned a third party, Harris Interactive, to do a telephone survey with more than 1,000…
Halloween Costume Safety Tips Help Party-goers Avoid Injury
Go to Halloween Costume Safety Tips Help Party-goers Avoid InjuryHalloween means dressing up, eating lots of treats, and staying up long past your bedtime, which is why it’s so much fun for children and adults. Every year, however, some children suffer injuries from defective children’s products such as costumes or accessories. By making smart choices about what you and your kids wear this Halloween, you can…
Statistics Demonstrate Serious Nature of Traumatic Brain Injuries
Go to Statistics Demonstrate Serious Nature of Traumatic Brain Injuriespresented by: Gary Massey Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) affect approximately 1.7 million people per year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These injuries range from mild “bumps on the head” to severe and even fatal brain damage and head injuries. In order to help people better understand the nature of…
Bathroom Slip and Fall Accidents Can Cause Serious Injury
Go to Bathroom Slip and Fall Accidents Can Cause Serious InjuryFew people think of a bathroom as a particularly dangerous place. However, this often-used room can be a common site of slip and fall injuries, according to Healthfinder.gov. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 234,000 adults and teenagers are treated for injuries in U.S. hospital emergency rooms each year that…
Fireworks Injury Statistics Paint Sobering Fourth of July Picture
Go to Fireworks Injury Statistics Paint Sobering Fourth of July PictureThe Fourth of July and the days surrounding it see thousands of Americans celebrating with picnics, parties, and traditional fireworks displays. Unfortunately, these days also see thousands of Americans suffer serious injuries from defective or improperly used fireworks, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Knowing the biggest risks can help…
Smyrna Woman Seeks Compensation After Blood Transfusion Goes Wrong
Go to Smyrna Woman Seeks Compensation After Blood Transfusion Goes Wrongpresented by: Gary Massey A 48-year-old resident in Smyrna had a hysterectomy, a routine surgery, at the Middle Tennessee Medical Center this past April. Now, she has filed a lawsuit against the medical center, stating that a medical error has left her with permanent disabilities, reports News Channel 5. During her surgery, the patient received…