Category: Medical Malpractice

Ms. Ashley: Medical Malpractice

Ms. Ashley received a blood transfusion at a local hospital. The hospital and its staff placed her life in jeopardy when they proceeded to give her the wrong blood type. Shortly after receiving the wrong blood, Ms. Ashley’s health quickly started to worsen. Fortunately, her family recognized something was wrong and notified the medical staff.

Mr. Bates: Medical Malpractice

Mr. Bates was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Surgery was performed to remove some of his pancreas as part of his cancer treatment. However, the medical professionals who performed the surgery left a surgical towel inside Mr. Bates’ body, which resulted in further health problems. Before calling Massey & Associates, Mr. Bates contacted three different law firms regarding his medical malpractice situation; all three refused to take his case because the “case was too big.” Gary Massey and his legal team took the case and successfully settled the case.