Fort Oglethorpe Hurt on the Job Lawyer

Most employers in Fort Oglethorpe are required to provide workers’ compensation insurance to protect employees that suffer an injury on the job. However, the insurance companies who provide coverage frequently deny claims.

Many injured employees find it helpful to work with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney who understands the procedures involved and knows how to present a persuasive claim for benefits. Your Fort Oglethorpe hurt on the job lawyer could serve as your advisor throughout the process, fight to protect your rights, and help you work toward the full amount of benefits to which you are entitled.

The Workers’ Compensation System

State lawmakers established the workers’ compensation system so injured workers could obtain benefits quickly and easily without the need for a lawsuit. Through this system, employees injured at work can receive benefits without needing to demonstrate that an employer was responsible for the injury, as they would in a personal injury lawsuit.

In exchange for a no-fault procedure for recovering benefits, employees lose the right to file a negligence lawsuit in most cases. Easily accessible benefits payable through workers’ compensation may make up for lost income, but they may not provide as much compensation as an injured worker might be able to obtain through a lawsuit.

Unfortunately, when insurers deny workers’ comp claims, the process becomes almost as difficult for an employee as a lawsuit would be. A Fort Oglethorpe hurt on the job attorney could help an injured employee overcome objections from insurers and pursue the benefits he or she needs.

Medical Benefits Through Workers’ Compensation

Employees suffering injuries due to working conditions on the job are entitled to receive medical benefits. Services provided for through workers’ compensation may include:

  • Tests
  • Examinations
  • Surgery
  • Medications
  • Physical therapy
  • Reimbursement for transportation

In many cases, the injured employee may need to receive treatment from a doctor approved by the employer. A hurt on the job lawyer in Fort Oglethorpe may be able to assist if a second opinion is necessary in order to receive approval for specific treatment.

Benefits to Make Up for Lost Wages

The workers’ compensation program also provides benefits to make up for income lost while an employee cannot work at full capacity or is unable to work in any capacity. Temporary total disability benefits provide approximately two-thirds of an employee’s average weekly salary while that employee is out of work. If an employee still has some ability to work but not at the usual rate, he or she may receive temporary partial disability payments.

Unless an employee suffers a catastrophic injury causing permanent total disability, income benefits only last a finite amount of time. In most cases, benefits cease when an employee recovers and is able to return to work. However, if the injury leaves some form of permanent disability, such as reduced mobility or loss of motor function, the injured employee may receive compensation for a permanent partial disability.

Contact a Fort Oglethorpe Hurt on the Job Attorney

Workers’ compensation provides invaluable assistance to employees injured on the job. When the system works as it is intended, lawsuits are avoided, and no one needs to try to assess blame for an unfortunate accident.

However, when insurance carriers deny benefits or employers refuse to submit claims properly, it may be wise to take legal action to intervene. A Fort Oglethorpe hurt on the job lawyer could help those in need of assistance, whether you are just starting the process or encountering problems with obtaining or continuing benefits. To learn how an attorney could help in your situation, call our team today.