Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Fort Oglethorpe

To obtain workers’ compensation benefits in Fort Oglethorpe, you must be working for an employer who is covered by workers’ compensation insurance and must suffer from an injury or illness caused by work conditions.

These benefits are designed to offset the effects of an injury, so you can return to a healthy state and regain the ability to work as soon as possible. If you suffer a permanent impairment, additional long-term benefits may be available as well. Contact a knowledgeable attorney for more information.

Medical Benefits Assist with Recovery

Employees who are injured in the workplace should be able to receive medical benefits via workers’ compensation insurance purchased through their employer. In most instances, treatment must be provided by a healthcare professional selected by the employer.

After being seen by an employer-approved healthcare provider, an injured employee may receive benefits to cover:

  • The cost of emergency medical care
  • Hospital bills, including those for medical prescriptions, tests, and surgery
  • Necessary medical equipment
  • Physical therapy
  • Transportation costs associated with medical needs

Benefits are also available to those suffering from occupational illnesses brought on by working conditions. Medical benefits are generally capped at 400 weeks in terms of duration, but they may continue for the lifetime of the afflicted employee if his or her injuries are catastrophic.

Income Benefits for Lost Wages

When an employee is out of work for more than seven days due to a work-related accident or illness, he or she may be entitled to monetary benefits to make up for wages lost while he or she is incapacitated. If the employee is unable to work for more than 21 consecutive days, benefits may also be paid for the first seven missed days.

The amount of income benefits is calculated based on the employee’s average weekly wage. An employee may receive up to two-thirds their average wage, but the income benefit amount is capped at a number set by lawmakers. As of the last adjustment on July 1, 2016, the maximum income benefits an injured worker may receive is $575 per week.

Disability Benefits in Fort Oglethorpe

Once the doctor in charge of treatment decides that the injured employee has completed treatment for their work-related injury, the employee may be reevaluated to determine whether a permanent disability exists. If so, the employee may be entitled to additional benefits, which will vary depending on the severity of the disability.

The State of Georgia has established a schedule defining the amounts to be paid for the full or partial loss of the use of certain body parts. If an employee suffers a permanent disability that is not on the schedule, disability benefits are generally paid based on a disability rating by a physician. Also, workers who suffer injuries that prevent them from returning to their former jobs may be eligible for vocational training benefits.

Benefits After Death

When an employee passes away due to a workplace illness or injury, their surviving dependents may be entitled to receive death benefits. In most cases, only spouses, children, and dependent stepchildren may obtain death benefits. Workers’ compensation may additionally provide benefits to cover burial expenses.

Get More Information About Fort Oglethorpe Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Additional information about workers’ compensation benefits in Fort Oglethorpe may be obtained through the State Board of Workers’ Compensation or by contacting an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer. A knowledgeable attorney may be able to assist at any stage in the process of obtaining workers’ compensation benefits.